"The Hurrying of Ludovic" is a short story by Lucy Maud Montgomery published in Chronicles of Avonlea in 1912.
Main characters
- Theodora Dix
- Arnold Sherman
- Anne Shirley
- Ludovic Speed
Minor characters
- Theodora Dix’s cousin (mentioned only)
- Theodora Dix's father (mentioned only)
- Grafton minister (mentioned only)
- Mr. Stephen Irving (mentioned only)
- Mrs. Stephen Irving (mentioned only)
- Joshua Pye (mentioned only)
- Alder Speed (mentioned only)
- Alder Speed’s brother (mentioned only)
- Ludovic Speed’s aunt (mentioned only)
- Ludovic Speed’s brother (mentioned only)
- Lorella Speed
- Lorella Speed’s sister (mentioned only)
- Avonlea (mentioned only)
- Boston (mentioned only)
- Carmody (mentioned only)
- Theodora Dix’s house
- Dix lane
- Echo Lodge
- England
- Grafton
- Grafton church
- Grafton graveyard
- Middle Grafton
- Prince Edward Island
- Arnold Sherman’s residence (mentioned only)
- Ludovic Speed’s house
- United States (mentioned only)
- Grafton River (mentioned only)
Behind the scenes[]
Story notes
- The story does not include a straightforward clue about its time setting. It is mentioned to take place during summer and after the wedding of Lavendar and Stephen Irving. The Irvings got married in August 1883 – therefore this story must take place in 1884 or later. The actual time setting is revealed in Anne of the Island where Theodora and Ludovic's courtship is referred to several times. Chapter 23 places this story into the summer of 1885, right after Anne's second year at Redmond.[1]
- ↑ Anne of the Island (Chapter 23: Paul Cannot Find the Rock People)