Anne of Green Gables Wiki
Anne of Green Gables Wiki
This is a transcript of a film, episode or soundtrack. Please note that not all content in all transcripts may be verbatim from the source material. Also, because filming (and editing) sometimes departs from the written script or lyrics, transcript content may not identically match the actual script used during filming or recording. If you see any errors, please feel free to correct them.

SCENE: Green Gables

Marilla Cuthbert: Anne!

Anne Shirley: Oh! I expect it's perfectly normal to be slightly nervous on your first day, but I'm sure everything will be fine. I don't have much experience with school, but why wouldn't it be fine? Better than fine. I have no doubt that it will be. None at all. I'm a few years behind, but that's no reason not to be optimistic. The only place I can go from here, academically speaking, is up. If a person puts their best foot forward, things can go well.

Marilla: Slow those feet down, please.

Anne: It will be nice to have a lot of new friends, although I expect it will be difficult to find a toehold, since they've probably all known each other forever. Going to school is my lifelong dream. What could possibly go wr...

Please let that not be portentous.

Marilla: For heaven's sake, Anne, I told you to slow down.

Matthew Cuthbert: I'll fetch the broom.

Anne: I'm sorry, Marilla.

Matthew: You'll do just fine today. You're smart as the dickens.

Anne: I'm not so worried about my brain. I believe it to be in fairly good working order.

Marilla: Hmm.

Anne: And with any luck, I'll catch up with the rest of the class quite quickly. That's not really my concern. Do you want to know what my big concern is? My overriding concern?

Marilla: I'm sure you'll tell us soon enough.

Anne: It's this awful red hair! This horrible, hideous, horrible red hair. It's the bane of my existence.

Marilla: Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, I suggest you find a worthier overriding concern.

Anne: And my freckles. I hate my freckles. And I can't help but think that the other children would like me better if I was pretty.

Marilla: Fiddlesticks. You're a vain one and no mistake.

Anne: If a rose wasn't beautiful, nobody would want to stop and smell it. And besides, how can I be vain if I'm ugly?

Marilla: Enough of this foolishness. You'll do just fine at school if you'd stop your yammering and fortify yourself.

SCENE: Anne leaves Green Gables


SCENE: In the woods

Anne: Why, hello there. I'm ever so pleased to make your acquaintances. Greetings. No. Salutations! Oh, your dress is splendid! Puff sleeves are divine!

Have you always lived in Avonlea? Oh, I agree. I believe it to be the most beautiful place on earth, and I've travelled a fair deal. It gives one a worldly perspective. Oh, this old thing? I adore wild flowers, don't you? Sometimes I like to imagine that my room is a flowery bower. Did you know that a bower is a lady's private apartment in a medieval hall or castle? Wouldn't it be wonderful to be a princess?

SCENE: Avonlea school

Anne: Words cannot express how thrilling it is to make your acquaintance.

Diana Barry: Anne!

Anne: Hello, Diana!

Diana: My, what have you done to your hat?

Anne: Well, I wanted to make a good first impression and it was so plain.

Diana: You're making an impression all right. I'm glad you found your way. I expect we should be able to walk together soon.

Anne: We can't?

Diana: I'm sure it won't be long until my parents accept you, now that you're a Cuthbert and all.

Welcome to the first day of school. Come on, I'll show you everything you need to know.

Leave your hat and sweater here. You can sit with me. Ruby won't mind. I think Jane and Ruby may sit together now that Prissy's studying for her Queen's Academy entrance exams and needs to sit with the older students.

Anne: Who?

Diana: Go on and set your things down.

Moody Spurgeon: Hello there. I'm Moody.

Anne: I'm sorry.

Moody: Moody Spurgeon.

Anne: Oh. I'm Anne.

Charlie Sloane: I'm Charlie.

Diana: Charlie Sloane.

Anne: Happy to meet you.

Diana: Don't talk to the boys. They're ridiculous.

Charlie: Nice to see you, too, Diana.

Diana: All except Gilbert Blythe. He's dreamy, but he won't be here today.

This is Jane Andrews and Josie Pye and Ruby Gillis and Tillie Boulter. Everybody, this is Anne.

Jane Andrews: Hello, Anne.

Ruby Gillis: Hello.

Tillie Boulter: Nice to meet you.

Anne: It is a scrumptious pleasure to make your acquaintances. And I shall do my utmost to prove myself worthy of your friendship.

Diana: Uh, Anne loves to read. And she knows ever so many big words.

Josie Pye: Does she use them all in every sentence?

Tillie: I like to read, too.

Ruby: No, you don't.

Tillie: No, I don't.

Jane: I saw you at the church picnic. I'm sorry, I should've said hello.

Anne: There were an awful lot of people there.

Jane: Mother wouldn't let me.

Josie: Why do they make you wear that old-lady dress?

Anne: It's just nice to have something new.

Josie: If you're an orphan, I suppose. I wouldn't be caught dead in it.

Diana: Anne isn't an orphan anymore. She's been adopted.

Anne: I'm still an orphan, Diana. I'll always be an orphan.

Tillie: Goodness, I'd hate to be an orphan.

Ruby: I feel real sorry for you, Anne.

Billy Andrews: Ruff, ruff.

Anne: You're ridiculous.

Billy: Hey, look, it's a talking dog! Can you fetch, too?

Jane: Billy, leave her be.

Billy: Sit. Stay. Roll over.

Jane: Don't mind my brother. He's ridiculous!

Billy: Ruff.

Jane: Never let the boys know when they've upset you.

Ruby: Never let them know when you like them, either.

Anne: School... is a lot to contend with.

Josie: Have you ever been to a real school, or did they just send you to special orphan school?

Diana: Come on, Anne, let's finish the tour. Bring your milk. I'll show you the stream outside.

SCENE: Green Gables

Mrs. Bell: Good morning, Miss Cuthbert.

Marilla: Good morning.

Mrs. Bell: I don't think we've ever been formally introduced, but of course I know you from town and church.

Marilla: It's Mrs. Bell, isn't it?

Mrs. Bell: Yes. And this is Mrs. Andrews.

Mrs. Andrews: Nice to know you.

Marilla: How do you do? How may I help you?

Mrs. Bell: We're here on behalf of the PMSC.

Mrs. Andrews: The Progressive Mothers' Sewing Circle. You might have heard of us. We've been meeting twice a month for over two years.

Marilla: Of course. I'd be happy to make a small donation.

Mrs. Bell: Oh, no. Thank you kindly, but we're not a charity. We're an organization.

Mrs. Andrews: An informal organization.

Mrs. Bell: But an organization nonetheless. Mothers who gather to discuss the education of our young girls.

Mrs. Andrews: We also do needlepoint.

Mrs. Bell: And tea is served, of course.

Marilla: That sounds stimulating.

Mrs. Andrews: Now that you're mother to a young girl, we're wondering if you'd like to attend our meetings.

Marilla: Oh.

Mrs. Bell: We should warn you that our viewpoints are forward-thinking.

Mrs. Andrews: We believe that a woman's education is just as important as a man's.

Marilla: That is admirable.

Mrs. Andrews: Now that your... ward, your...

Marilla: Anne.

Mrs. Andrews: Since your Anne is part of our community now and you'll be raising her, we wanted to extend the invitation for you to join us.

Mrs. Bell: We're meeting at the Andrews' home this afternoon.

Mrs. Andrews: Will you come?

SCENE: Outside the school

Diana: Set your milk down next to mine, Anne, so it'll stay cold.

Anne: I must've done something wrong just then, but I don't know what it was.

Diana: Let me tell you all the things you'll need to know about lunch. All the girls in our clique sit together. We make a kind of clubhouse with no boys allowed. I usually sit next to Jane, but sometimes Jane sits with her big sister, Prissy. Tillie sits on the other side of Josie. You'll need to gauge the situation accordingly since we always sit the same way. Everybody shows what they brought for lunch and then we divide it equally. Anyone who doesn't share is considered awful mean.

Billy: Hey, Anne, over here. Over here. Ruff! Who's a good girl?

Diana: What'd you bring, Anne?

Anne: Josie Pye doesn't like me at all.

Diana: I brought a lace-trimmed handkerchief in honour of the occasion. It should make a lovely presentation. Hopefully your apple's already sliced for sharing.

Anne: Apple? I... I...

Diana: Come on, I'll show you the rest.

Avonlea schooling is very progressive. We have a second room for the youngsters.

Old Teacher: Hello. All right, uh, take your seats.

Anne: Diana, what kind of sums are those?

Diana: Long division, of course.

Anne: Long division?

Diana: So easy, right? Those were the days. Come on.

And this is the supply room. You need to ask permission before you take anything, even during recess, because sometimes Mr. Phillips secretly naps here.

Well, I'll be. That's Prissy Andrews and the teacher, Mr. Phillips.

Anne: Are they married?

Diana: Of course not. She's a student and he's... old. They're touching.

Anne: They must be making a baby.

Diana: What?!

Anne: Well, if they're touching, that means they're having intimate relations.

Diana: Really?

Anne: It seems to me that a lot of husbands have a pet mouse.

Diana: Pet mouse?

Anne: That's what I've been told, anyways.

Yes, so I expect Mr. Phillips has one, too, in his front pants pocket. I expect Prissy Andrews has made its acquaintance. Mrs. Hammond - she's a lady I used to work for - she said she always had twins after she pet Mr. Hammond's mouse.

SCENE: Classroom

Mr. Phillips: Spell "ravishing."

Correct. You may sit. Moody. Stand and deliver.

Spell "dreadful." Like your handwriting.

Anne: Moody, it has an A in it, right after the E, but the A is silent.

Mr. Phillips: Yes, the A is silent. As should you be. You're the, um, orphan, yes?

Anne: My name is Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. And please be sure to spell Anne with an E.

Mr. Phillips: Did I call on you?

Anne: You just asked me a question?

Mr. Phillips: Did. I. Call. On. You?

Anne: No?

Mr. Phillips: Then sit down.

SCENE: Outside Green Gables

Marilla: There's bread and cheese in the pantry for your lunch. I expect I'll be back well before milking. I dare say this meeting takes a bite out of the day.

Matthew: You're sure about this, Marilla?

Marilla: Oh, I can't say I quite know what I got myself into, but there's no harm in learning something new. Seeing as how we're... parents and all. In case it escaped your notice.

Matthew: Up until now, I hadn't really... thought of it that way.

Marilla: Well, there's truth to it, so you'd better get used to the idea.

SCENE: Classroom

Diana: Anne!

Josie: Come here!

I thought lunchtime would never arrive!

Anne: I feel the same way.

Josie: I'm just so excited to hear about everything that you saw.

Ruby: Me too!

Tillie: Me three!

Anne: What do you mean?

Josie: Prissy and Mr. Phillips, silly. In the supply room?

Diana: I told them about the pet mouse.

Josie: It's just all so shocking.

Diana: I wasn't too sure about it, though, so I thought maybe you could tell them.

Ruby: I just can't believe it.

Tillie: Me neither.

Anne: Prissy and Mr. Phillips are having intimate relations all right.

It's a pretty common occurrence.

Ruby: But you don't really think she... touched it, do you?

Anne: His pet mouse?

Billy: I spy with my little eye...

Josie?: Go away!

Tillie?: Stop spying!

Diana: Stupid boys!

Tillie: Are they really making a baby?

Josie: It's disgusting! He's the teacher.

Diana: Then again, Prissy does look quite grown up this year.

Tillie: Do you think they're in love?

Anne: When it comes to intimate relations, I'm not sure it matters.

Tillie: Oh, my!

Josie: Do tell, Anne.

Anne: Well, in my experience with Mrs. Hammond and her drunken husband...

Ruby: Drunken husband?!

Tillie: Oh, my.

Diana: They're the people you lived with before you came to Green Gables?

Anne: They were the last ones, yes.

Ruby: And he was a drunkard?

Anne: Oh, indeed.

Diana: Oh, Anne...

Anne: Mr. Hammond always had his moonshine, and after he'd partaken, he would stomp around the house like Frankenstein's monster and everybody would run! But nobody faster than Mrs. Hammond, because she knew he was going to make her pet his mouse.

Josie: And did she?

Anne: I believe she had to.

Tillie: Oh, my.

Anne: I could hear everything!

Josie: Everything?

Anne: To this day, I don't know quite what to make of it. There were times I heard laughing and it sounded like fun, but there were other times I was sure he was murdering her. Either way, it sure made Mrs. Hammond mad. And the next morning, more often as not, she would take after me with a wooden spoon. I'll confess that I was relieved when Mr. Hammond dropped dead. I didn't miss the sting of his belt one bit.

Is lunchtime over already?

Josie: No. I won't eat next to dirty trash. Come on, girls, before we all become tarnished.


Diana: I...

Oh, dear. Let me go see if there's anything to be done.

SCENE: Andrews' house

Mrs. Bell: My sister has written to me about our current book, The Grasshoppers, by Mrs. Andrew Dean.

Mrs. MacPherson: Her sister is a Suffragette.

Mrs. Bell: She regularly sends me progressive periodicals from Acadia University.

Mrs. MacPherson: Which she attended.

Mrs. Bell: My sister writes that the book reviewer for the Athenaeum described this story as "a woman's flirtation with feminism."

Mrs. Andrews: Feminism. What an incredible word.

Mrs. Morrison: How very intriguing. But what exactly does it mean?

Mrs. Phelan: I loved this story. It changed my thinking about higher education for women.

Mrs. Andrews: My mother still believes it's scandalous for women to attend college. It's a forbidden topic.

Mrs. Morrison: We're also an informal book club, in case you hadn't noticed.

Mrs. Phelan: You can be next in line to read this after Margaret, if you like.

Marilla: Thank you.

Mrs. Phelan: Oh, I hope you're a girl. You'll be a modern woman in a modern society.

Mrs. Bell: Times have certainly changed.

Mrs. Andrews: Indeed.

My mother was quite disappointed when I came along. She only wanted boys.

Mrs. MacPherson: Well, your farm is exceedingly large.

Mrs. Bell: And now your Prissy is sitting for her college-entrance exams.

Mrs. Andrews: I want her to have every advantage in life. And Jane.

Mrs. Bell: You see? That's feminism. Good for you, Miss Cuthbert, for choosing a girl. It's very forward-thinking.

Treat yourself while you still have time.

Mrs. Phelan: Oh!

Mrs. Andrews: And you're educating her. Is she quite... bright?

Marilla: Oh, well, Anne's inquisitive, that's for sure and certain. She loves to read. She has a real appetite for learning.

Mrs. Morrison: Are you hoping she'll go into one of the feminine professions?

Mrs. Phelan: Mm. Maybe she'll be a teacher one day?

Marilla: Perhaps so.

Mrs. Bell: This is why we must strive to improve the curriculum for our girls.

Mrs. Andrews: Especially for those who are unlikely to marry.

Mrs. Bell: Now, at our last meeting, we were discussing the curriculum and perhaps compiling a list of suggestions...

SCENE: Classroom

Voices: Bye. Goodbye, Diana.

Diana: Come along, Anne. I can walk you partway home.

SCENE: In the woods

Anne: Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? There must be a limit to the mistakes one person can make. I wanna get to the end of them, then I'll be through with them. That's a very comforting thought.

Diana: Don't worry, I'm sure the girls will come around to liking you real soon. Maybe talk a bit less? And... no mice.

See you tomorrow, Anne.

SCENE: Green Gables kitchen

Rachel Lynde: And then when I heard you attended one of their... their whatever you call its...

Marilla: Meeting.

Rachel: You could've knocked me over with a feather, that's what! I'm mystified by you. Shocked and mystified! Marilla Cuthbert, Suffragette!

Marilla: Oh, for heaven's sake.

Rachel: A Progressive Mother?

Marilla: I'm still a bit surprised about the mother part myself.

Rachel: Well, don't ask me for my advice, I've only had ten children.

Tell me everything. I mean it. Don't leave out a single detail.

Marilla: If you're so curious, you should consider attending.

Rachel: Why on earth would I join a group of Young Mothers?

Tea, please. I must have fortification.

Marilla: It was a lively discussion

Rachel: Lively. Did you each take turns shouting atop a soapbox?

Marilla: There was a lot of civilized talk about women's education and social reforms.

Rachel: Next you'll be telling me you all burned your corsets and danced naked at Town Hall.

Marilla: We ran out of time.

Admittedly, I felt rather at sea. There's so much changing these days. So much I'd never thought about before.

Rachel: Not that you'd ever thought about being a mother until Anne.

Marilla: That's what I'm saying. What if... what if I'm not equal to the task?

Rachel: Motherhood is simple. Controversial ideas just complicate the matter unnecessarily.

Matthew, did you condone this little adventure?

Matthew: Huh? I just come in for tea.

Rachel: So were you just fine and dandy with Marilla traipsing off?

Marilla: Don't put him in the middle.

Matthew: I'll, uh... I'll just take it outside with me.

Rachel: I'd like to hear what he makes of all this modern thinking.

Matthew: Um... I reckon every new idea... was modern once. Until it wasn't.

Rachel: Well!

Well, well, well.

SCENE: Outside the barn

Anne: Hi there! Hi, Jerry!

SCENE: Green Gables kitchen

Rachel: You've become a woman of drastic actions of late. I barely know you anymore.

Marilla: You know, there's a difference between having an opinion about something and pronouncing judgement! I'm not sorry I went to that meeting, even if it did serve to point out everything I don't know.

Rachel: Hmm!

Marilla: I feel I need to expand my thinking if I'm going to do right by Anne.

Rachel: That girl is not a usual sort of person, that's for sure and certain.

Marilla: At least we can agree on that.

Anne: The two of you are an inspiration! To think that you've been friends since school. Kindred spirits forever! How do you do it? What's your secret?

Marilla: How was your first day at school?

Anne: I think it went really, really well. Very well indeed. I'm just so happy to be there. I'll just put my things away and then I'll be right back down to help you with supper!

Rachel: Keep me posted about the next meeting. If you like. I'll be happy to offer my opinion.

Marilla: I have no doubt you will.

SCENE: Anne's room

Anne: Long division... it must be like backwards multiplication. It can't be that hard to figure out.

SCENE: Green Gables

Anne: Today will be better. I'm not going to say anything weird or... do anything wrong. You're my friend, right, Belle? You'll always be my friend, won't you?

Jerry Baynard: You bet. I'm so flattered.

Anne: You shouldn't eavesdrop, Jerry.

Jerry: E-what?

SCENE: In the woods

Anne: I just have to remember what Jane Eyre said: "Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs."

Billy: Anne of Green Gables. You and me... we're gonna talk. You said some pretty nasty stuff about my sister.

Anne: Who's your sister?

Billy: Prissy Andrews, dummy.

Anne: I'm sure I didn't mean to be nasty.

Billy: Is that why she was crying all night? My parents say that's slander. You wanna get slandered?

Anne: Sorry, I truly meant no harm.

Billy: I'm gonna teach you a lesson, Fido. You're a bad dog. Bad little dog!

Gilbert Blythe: Hey, Billy!

How's it going?

Billy: Hey, Gilbert.

Gilbert: Man, it's... it's, um, it's good to be back.

Billy: Uh... yeah... yeah, welcome back.

Gilbert: Yeah, it's good to see you, buddy.

So you guys playing a game or something? Right? Looks fun, but we should probably get to school, eh? Hate to be tardy. Mr. Phillips sure gets his dander up about that.

Billy: Yeah. I was just about to get going. See ya there.

Gilbert: You all right, miss?

Anne: School...

Gilbert: You're welcome. Need anything else? Any dragons around here need slaying?!

Anne: No, thank you!

Gilbert: Who are you? Hey, who are you?

SCENE: Near the school

Gilbert: Uh, miss? What's your name? Miss? What, you can't tell me your name?

Here. Allow me.

Anne: I'm sorry if I was rude. I'm Anne.

Gilbert: I'm...

Moody, Charlie and other boys: Gilbert!

Gilbert: Hey!

Moody: How was the District of Alberta? Did you see the Rocky Mountains?

Gilbert: They're pretty hard to miss.

Moody: Were they big?

Gilbert: They're mountains.

Charlie: Is your dad feeling better?

Gilbert: Uh, we're both glad to be back home.

Charlie?: Why were you walking with that orphan girl?

Gilbert: Why not?

Moody: She's a loon.

Gilbert: Says you.

Charlie: Hope you didn't get any asylum cooties.

Gilbert: Uh-oh... there's one.

Besides, I don't care where she's from. A cute girl is a cute girl.

SCENE: Outside the school

Josie: I don't know what you think you were doing walking with Gilbert Blythe.

Anne: I...

Tillie: You can't talk to Gilbert Blythe. You can't even look at him... Well, see for yourself.

Josie: Ruby has liked him for three years. She has dibs.

There, there. That nasty girl didn't know any better. Just like yesterday, with all your tall tales.

Anne: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to walk with him. It just happened.

Josie: Well, don't let it happen again.

Anne: I won't. I promise. I'll have nothing to do with him.

Diana: I'll try to smooth things over.

SCENE: General Store

Mrs. Bell: There you are.

Marilla: Mrs. Bell, how nice to see you.

Mrs. Bell: Hello.

Marilla: I've been wondering when the next meeting is.

Mrs. Bell: Well, actually, Miss Cuthbert...

Marilla: Oh, please call me Marilla. Everyone does.

Mrs. Bell: Miss Cuthbert... we feel that our group isn't the right fit for you.

Marilla: I... I see.

Mrs. Bell: We understand clearly now that Anne needs all of your attention. You've got your hands full.

Marilla: All of my attention?

Mrs. Bell: Also, we urge you to consider home schooling. That would be best for all concerned. And we are concerned. Good day to you.

SCENE: On the way home

Matthew: What do you suppose happened with Anne... they don't want her back in school?

Marilla: We'll know soon enough.

Matthew: They don't want you back.

Marilla: Leave me be, Matthew.

SCENE: Classroom

Mr. Phillips: Open your readers to page 32. We will read aloud Barry Cornwall's poem The Fisherman.

Anne: Finally, something I can do well.

Diana: I'm happy for you, Anne.

Mr. Phillips: Diana Barry. Stand and begin.

Diana: "A... per-i-lous life, and sad as life may be, Hath the lone fisher on the lonely sea..."

Mr. Phillips: Perilous indeed. Sit down.

New girl. Up. Continue.

Anne: "O'er the wild waters labouring, far from home. For some bleak pittance e'er compelled to roam. Few hearts to cheer him through his dangerous life. And none to aid him in the stormy strife. Companion of the sea and silent air. "The lonely fisher thus must ever fare..."

Gilbert: She's good. Invested.

Anne: "Without the comfort, hope, with scarce a friend, he looks through life, and only sees its end!"

Mr. Phillips: Sit down! Sweet merciful Lord.

?: That was really different.

Mr. Phillips: Josie Pye. Read Campbell's Pleasures of Hope, The Downfall of Poland.

Josie: "O sacred Truth! Thy triumph ceased awhile."

SCENE: Outside Green Gables

Matthew: Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. I've got to fix a bit of fence down yonder. So... I've been meaning to attend to it.

Marilla: Lunch is in an hour.

Matthew: Well, I best get it done, you know, before I forget again. So I might, uh, might be late. Jerry'll help you unload.

Jerry: Walk on, Belle. Allons.

SCENE: Outside the school

Gilbert: Hey, uh, I, uh, thought you might like to try one. They're from our orchard. They're real sweet.

Anne: Please go away.

Gilbert: I beg your pardon?

Anne: You need to walk away right now.

Gilbert: I-I'm sorry, I, uh, can't...

Anne: I'm not supposed to talk to you!

Gilbert: Why not?

Anne: Argh!

SCENE: Lynde's house

Rachel: Well, as I live and breathe. Matthew Cuthbert, what are you doing here? Is everything all right?

Matthew: Uh... Anne.

Rachel: Ah, yes.

Come on in. I know the whole story.

SCENE: Green Gables kitchen

Matthew: And the Andrews are fit to be tied. I hope I didn't meddle too much, but I thought we ought to know, and Rachel's reliable in the knowing department.

Marilla: Dear Lord, that child will put me in the grave. I cannot bear to think of her spewing such filth.

Matthew: It worries me to no end.

Marilla: What a disgrace. Just wait until all of Avonlea hears about this, if they haven't already.

Matthew: I feel worried for Anne... is what.

Marilla: Matthew Cuthbert, I don't understand you at all. That child is...

Matthew: A child. Burns me up! A girl of her tender age, she oughtn't to know such things.

SCENE: On the way to the Andrews' house

SCENE: Andrews' house

Marilla: Good afternoon, Mrs. Andrews.

Mrs. Andrews: Good afternoon, Miss Cuthbert.

Marilla: I'm very sorry to disturb you, but... I wanted to have a word with you about Anne... and your daughter, Prissy.

Mrs. Andrews: Forgive me if I don't invite you in, but seeing as your... girl set about sullying my daughter's good name, I'm sure you can understand.

Marilla: I want to apologize for any discomfort this incident has caused Prissy and your family.

Mrs. Andrews: Discomfort? My daughter is sorely aggrieved, as am I. This outrage will not be forgotten by anyone anytime soon.

Marilla: We are dreadfully sorry. I'm sure Anne didn't mean any harm.

Mrs. Andrews: How would you know?

Marilla: I beg your pardon?

Mrs. Andrews: Do you really know anything about her? You didn't do Avonlea any favours bringing that... trollop into our midst.

Marilla: I beg your pardon?!

Mrs. Andrews: I think you heard me plain.

Marilla: Well, hear this: You can hold Anne responsible for what she said...

Mrs. Andrews: I can and most certainly do.

Marilla: ...but you can't hold against her what she's seen or been exposed to. That's not her fault. That child has endured more than any of us can know or imagine. It's a shame "progressive parenting" doesn't seem to include compassion. But perhaps you'll muster some up in church on Sunday and thank the good Lord that poor Anne has finally found safe haven. I know I will. Good day.

SCENE: Green Gables barn

Jerry: Did you go to school, Mr. Cuthbert?

Matthew: For a time. I left... when I was about your age.

Jerry: Do you know a word called "eedrope"?

Matthew: Eedrop...

Jerry: Anne told me not to do it.

Matthew: Ee-drop. Don't think I know that one. I never saw Anne's beat for knowing big words.

Jerry: I bet she does very well at school.

SCENE: Classroom

Gilbert: Whoops.

Hey... Carrots!

Anne: I'm not talking to you!

Gilbert: You just did.

Mr. Phillips: Shirley! Get up here! Now! What a vicious display!

Is this what they taught you in that orphanage? Unacceptable!

"Anne Shirley has a very bad temper." Now, stand here and stay put. And the rest of you, pipe down!! Let this serve as a lesson to you that we do not tolerate such displays of temper here in a civilized society.

Gilbert: It was my fault, sir. I, uh, I-I teased her.

Mr. Phillips: Quiet, Blythe. That is hardly an excuse.

Quiet, all of you, and return to your lesson.

Thirty minus six divided by three equals...

Where do you think you're going? Get back here!

Shirley! Get back here. Shirley!

SCENE: On the way to Green Gables

Matthew: Anne!

SCENE: Green Gables kitchen

Marilla: There, there, child. I know. I know just how you feel. You've been judged harshly.

Anne: I am never going back to school! Never!
