Anne of Green Gables Wiki
Anne of Green Gables Wiki
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Is Gilbert Blythe (Green Gables Fables) the article you are looking for? Anne of Green Gables Wiki has separate articles for the various portrayals of Gilbert Blythe in the books, films, television series and other media. For a list of all versions, see our disambiguation portal.

Gilbert John Patrick Blythe is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Blythe, the boyfriend of Anne Shirley and a good friend of Ruby Gillis and Fred Wright.


Physical appearance[]

He is a tall man with brown hair and pale skin



Anne Shirley[]

Ruby Gillis[]

Behind the scenes[]



  • Gilbert's original description on the official website was: Charismatic. Genuine. Clever. Anne’s Archenemy. Born and raised in Avonlea, Gilbert is well-known for his playful, flirtatious nature. Beneath that dashing charm, however, lies a heart of gold. Gilbert is a true and honest friend who wants to better the world- he dreams of becoming a doctor and helping those in need. In the meantime, though, he’s teasing his female classmates, competing with our heroine for the highest marks, and leading the Avonlea High rowing crew to victory.


Anne of Green Gables Wiki has 339 images of Gilbert Blythe (view gallery).


Season 1 (Green Gables Fables)

Season 1.5 (Green Gables Fables)

Season 2 (Green Gables Fables)

External links[]

See also[]
